Short-Term Exchange Programs at the University of Tsukuba, 2017-2018
Thank you for your interest in the Short-Term Exchange Program at University of Tsukuba! You need to prepare the below-listed materials to apply for our exchange programs. Application documents should be sent to individual exchange coordinators of University of Tsukuba through your home institution Exchange Program office.
Our Junior Year at Tsukuba Program (JTP) has hosted hundreds of international students who have been eager to study in Japan. It is not necessary for you to be fluent in Japanese to participate in the program, and yet you can take great advantage of cultural and academic opportunities. In order to assist you with your study of the Japanese language, culture, science, and technology, the JTP currently offers a variety of courses in English.
Those applicants who wish to conduct a research at a graduate level and do not require credits must arrange to have an application form sent directly from your home institution Exchange Program office to individual exchange coordinators of the University of Tsukuba at least 3 months prior to the beginning of their studies (Except for the case that you wish to start your study in April or October.)
一、Student Status and Tuition Fees
There are two types of statuses for students coming from our overseas partner universities: exchange student (or tokubetsu chokogakusei) and exchange research student (or tokubetsu kenkyugakusei). Since the difference between the two is significant, please carefully read the descriptions below.
Exchange students
Exchange students (or tokubetsu chokogakusei) Exchange students (or tokubetsu chokogakusei) are undergraduate students or graduate students from other universities who wish to attend courses at the University of Tsukuba. Their admission is granted upon mutual consultation between the two universities. Exchange students can earn credits if they pass the required examinations, and credit transfer is also available depending on the system at their home universities. Exchange students should confirm the credit transfer arrangements with the International Office at their home universities before applying for the exchange programs at the University of Tsukuba. Exchange students are required to register for more than 8 periods per week.
* Graduate-level exchange students cannot earn credits from the Japanese Language Courses offered by the Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC). Therefore, it is highly recommend to check the website of each graduate school on the courses you can take before applying for our exchange program.
* 研究生阶段的交换生不能从全球教育交流中心开设的日语语言课程中拿到学分。因此,自爱申请筑波大学的交换项目之前,强烈建议你核实好每个研究生院可以上的课程。
Exchange research students (or tokubetsu kenkyugakusei)
Exchange research students (or tokubetsu kenkyugakusei) are graduate students from other universities who wish to conduct research under the guidance of an academic advisor (Academic Supervisor) at the University of Tsukuba. Their admission is granted upon mutual consultation between the two universities. Exchange research students will focus on their research rather than attending courses, and therefore they cannot earn credits. (It is possible, however, for them to audit some courses with the prior approval from course lecturers.)
二、Tuition fees and tuition waiver
Applicants from our partner universities
Students who are admitted under either status from institutions with which the University of Tsukuba has a reciprocal tuition waiver agreement may be granted a tuition waiver. Please be aware, however, that the existence of an exchange agreement does not necessarily mean that you will be automatically granted a tuition waiver. (The number of students eligible for tuition fee waiver is fixed according to each student exchange agreement. In cases where the number of applicants exceeds the fixed number of tuition waiver places, the tuition fees will not be waived, even if the University of Tsukuba has a reciprocal tuition waiver agreement with the home university. For more information, please consult with the International Office at your home university.)
Applicants from our non-partner universities
Both types of students must pay tuition fees to the University of Tsukuba. The amount of tuition for exchange students is calculated on a per-credit basis and is currently set at 14,800 yen per credit. The tuition fees for exchange research students are calculated on a per-month basis and are currently set at 29,700 yen per month.
Exchange students must pay their tuition fees at the beginning of each semester.
Exchange research students must pay the tuition fees for their entire exchange period at the beginning of their first semester.
两类学生都需要支付筑波大学学费。交换生的学费以单位学分计算,目前单位学分学费是 14,800 日元。交换研究生学费以每月计算,目前每月学费为29,700 日元。
Summary: The following table compares the two student status types, the exchange student status and the exchange research student status.
Exchange students |
Exchange research students |
Purpose of study abroad |
To attend classes and earn credits |
To conduct research under the guidance of Tsukubaʼs faculty |
Level |
Undergraduate or graduate |
Graduate only |
Admission |
By mutual consultation between the University of Tsukuba and the studentʼs home university |
Earn credits |
Possible to earn credits for courses taken at the University of Tsukuba |
Not possible to earn credits, but may audit courses with approval |
Transfer credits |
Possible (confirm with your university) |
Not possible |
Tuition Fees |
14,800 yen per credit |
29,700 yen per month |
Fee payment |
Beginning of each semester |
Beginning of the first semester after enrollment |
Tuition waiver |
Possible |
Possible |
Start dates |
Exchange students arerecommended to start theirstudies at the beginning ofeach semester.
Exchange research students can start their research in the middle of the semester, if they need to. However, please be aware that tuition fees and rent for residence halls cannot be paid on the daily basis, but must be paid for the entire month in which the students enroll. |
交换生 |
交换研究生 |
海外学习目的 |
上课、获取学分 |
在筑波大学老师的指导下从事研究 |
水平 |
本科生、研究生 |
研究生 |
入学 |
基于筑波大学与学生所在大学双方协商 |
获取学分 |
可以拿到筑波大学的课程学分 |
不能拿到学分,但可以在老师的同意下听课 |
转学分 |
可能 (与你所在的大学核实) |
不可能 |
学费 |
每个学分14,800日元 |
每月29,700 日元 |
支付学费 |
每个学期开始的时候 |
注册后的第一个学期开始的时候 |
学费减免 |
可能 |
可能 |
开始日期 |
建议交换生在每个学期开始的时候开始学习 |
需要的情况下,学生可以在期中开始从事研究。不过请注意,学费和住宿费不以实际在校时间为基础支付,必须按注册的整个月支付。 |
三、How to Apply
Application procedures
1. Confirm that your home university has a student exchange agreement with the University of Tsukuba.
2. Apply for the exchange program at the University of Tsukuba with the International Office or through the Exchange Advisor (Coordinator) at your home university. There may be a preliminary screening.
3. Applications are then sent to the Exchange Coordinator at the University of Tsukuba by post. The coordinator evaluates the study plan and recommends candidates to an appropriate college or graduate school participating in the student exchange agreement.
4. Qualified applicants will be recommended for the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) scholarship by Tsukubaʼs selection committee.
四、Application documents
Please submit the following documents together in a package, otherwise your application will not be considered. Necessary documents must be accompanied with either Japanese or English translations if they are written in other languages.
Document |
Notes |
Application Package Cover Sheet and Checklist |
Application Form for Enrollment as Exchange Student/ Exchange Research Student at the University of Tsukuba |
Admission request made via formalletter sent by President or Dean from the applicantʼs home university andaddressed to the President of theUniversity of Tsukuba |
This letter will be used in the selectionprocess. Please consult the InternationalOffice at your home university tocomplete it. Please use the format of oursamples. Sample A is for exchangestudents and Sample B for exchange research students. Each applicant needsto submit this formal letter.
Official transcript of academic records |
Application for Certificate of Eligibility (hard copy) and its Excel file (soft copy).
Please send the soft copy (Excel file) via Email to exchangestudent@un.tsukuba.ac.jp an attached file from each applicantʼs Email address. We donʼt accept the Excel file from a person other than the applicant. When you send the excel file, please write your name and the name of your university at the subject of your email. |
A copy of your passport, if you already have it.
Copies should include ID page and pages with Japanese immigration stamps, if any.
Ⅰ.Certificate to confirm the applicantʼs bank account balance (if the applicant intends to come with his/her own funds)and/or Ⅱ.1) Supporterʼs certificate of bank account balance, 2) certificate of income, and 3) certificate of employment (if parents, relatives, or friends support your study with their funds)and/or Ⅲ.Document to certify that theapplicant is a recipient of a scholarship.This document must include the amountof the financial support while studying inJapan.
All applicants must submit the documents to prove that you have enough savings to stay in Japan for the period of your study at the University of Tsukuba. For a list of estimated costs of attending the University of Tsukuba, please see page 9. Your supporterʼs bank account balance should exceed the amount indicated in the list. Mark the essential information so that we can check the documents at a glance.
Three ID (3) photographs (Two photos sized 40 mm x 30 mm, and one of 30 mm x 24 mm) |
The photographs must be formal, hatless, without background, and taken within the past three months. Pleasewrite your name on the reverse side. All photographs must be identical. Your ID photos are printed on qualityphotographic paper. Cut the photos tothe exact sizes by yourself.
*A document certifying that you willenroll in graduate school of your hom university.
If you are an undergraduate student atthe time of filling the application and would like to enroll in a master program at the University of Tsukuba, please submit this document. |
文件 |
备注 |
包含表格和清单的申请包 |
交换生申请表/ 交换研究生申请表 |
入学要求正式信件(由申请人所在的大学的校长或院长直接发给筑波大学校长) |
该信在筛选程序中用到。请咨询所在大学的国际办公室,以完成填写。请使用筑波大学提供的样式。每个申请人都需要提交正式信件 |
官方成绩单 |
资格证书 (复印件) 及其Excel 文件 (电子档) |
通过邮件以附件形式将电子档 (Excel文件)发送到指定地址。 筑波大学不接受申请人以外的人发送的Excel 文件。发送Excel文件的时候,在邮件主题中写上自己的姓名和大学名字。 |
护照副本,如果有的话 |
副本应包括身份页和日本移民邮票页,如果有的话 |
Ⅰ.银行存款证明 (对于要支付学费的申请人)和(或者) Ⅱ.1) 支助人的银行存款证明2) 收入证明, 3)在职证明(对于由父母、亲戚或朋友提供资金的申请人) 和(或者) Ⅲ.能证明申请人获得奖学金的文件。该文件必须包括申请人在日本学习期间享受到的经济补助的数额 |
所有申请人必须提交文件,证明自己在筑波大学学习期间有足够资金。支助人的存款数额必须超过列出的数额。将关键信息重点标出,以便工作人员一眼就能看到。 |
三张身份照片 (两张大小为 40 mm x 30 mm, 另一张大小为30 mm x 24 mm) |
照片必须是正式。免冠、无背景、在过去三个月之内拍的照片。在照片背面写上姓名。所有照片必须相同。 身份照片必须以优质相纸复印。将照片修剪到合适的尺寸。 |
*能证明你即将在所在大学研究生院注册的文件 |
如果你在申请的时候是本科生,并起任有意注册筑波大学的硕士生,请提交该文件。 |
Ÿ All application materials should be sent by post directly from the Exchange Coordinator or the International Office at your home university to the Exchange Coordinator at the University of Tsukuba.
Those applications without prior approval by the International Office/Coordinator at their home university will not be accepted.
Ÿ Necessary documents must be accompanied with either Japanese or English translations if they are written in other languages.
Ÿ Submitted documents will not be returned.
Ÿ Incomplete applications or applications which have reached the University of Tsukuba after the designated submission deadline will not be accepted.
Ÿ If you need any document signed by the University of Tsukuba such as “Training Agreement” etc., please send it to us along with your application documents.
Ÿ All the documents should be single-sided, and donʼt bind the documents with a stapler or strings so that we can make copies easily.
五、Academic calendar
The academic calendar of the University of Tsukuba is as follows:
Spring semester: April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017
Fall semester: October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
六、Application schedule
There are different deadlines for applying to study at the University of Tsukuba, depending on when you want to commence your study or research. Please see the table below.
Program start |
Deadline for |
Admission |
Time of the dispatch |
April 1, 2017 |
December 1, 2016 |
End of February, |
Mid-March, 2017 |
October 1, 2017 |
April 28, 2017 |
Mid-August, 2017 |
Early September, 2017 |
开课时间 |
申请截止日期 |
入学通知时间(邮件通知) |
分发入学文件时间 |
2017 年4月1日 |
2016年12月1日 |
2017年2月末 |
2017年3月中旬 |
2017年10月1日 |
2017年4月28日 |
2017年8月中旬 |
2017年9月上旬 |
*It takes more than one month to receive the certificate of eligibility from the immigration bureau after submitting the application documents.
*We will let you know the tracking number when we dispatch of admission documents.