



2017-03-22 11:34:00


  东京工业大学是一所以工程技术与自然科学研究为主的日本顶尖、世界一流的理工类大学 。现在,东京工业大学共有3个学部、6个研究科,另外还包括资源化学研究所、精密工学研究所等150 余个校内共同教育研究设施。作为研究型大学,东京工业大学在学术研究、科研成果和教育教学等许多方面不仅在日本,在世界也享有盛誉。那么东京工业大学留学奖学金如何呢?下面和出国留学网一起来看看吧!

  Scholarships for International Students

  There are two types of scholarships available for international students. One is provided by the Japanese Government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, hereafter referred to as MEXT) and the other type comes from private foundations. The recipient of a MEXT Scholarship is referred to as a MEXT Scholarship Student, while all other international students are referred to as privately-funded students regardless of their scholarship recipient status.



  Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships

  Scholarships to support international students' study in Japan are available through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

  There are two ways by which students may receive consideration for the MEXT Scholarship

  One way is through an Embassy Recommendation, by which Japanese embassies and consulates (hereafter referred to as "Japanese embassies") recommend candidates for MEXT Scholarships. The other is through a University Recommendation, by which Tokyo Tech recommends candidates for MEXT Scholarships. Simultaneous recommendation for both of these types of scholarships is not allowed. Upon receiving recommendations from Japanese embassies and universities, MEXT shall make the final decision regarding recipients. Those selected to receive the MEXT Scholarship shall be provided with the following benefits.


  - Graduate-level students

  Japanese Intensive Course Students and Research Students: 146,000 yen/month

  Master's Program Students: 147,000 yen/month

  Doctoral Program Students: 148,000 yen/month

  - Undergraduate students: 120,000 yen/month

  Stipends are subject to change as specified by the regulations of the MEXT Scholarship program.

  MEXT scholarship students who enroll in April will receive the monthly stipend from April. Those who enroll in September will receive it from October.

  Travel Expenses:

  In accordance with MEXT regulations, each scholarship recipient will be provided with an economy class air ticket between the international airport closest to his/her place of residence in his/her country of nationality and Narita or Haneda International Airport. Insurance premiums for travel to/from Japan shall be borne by the recipient. The airport the recipient departs from or returns to must be an airport in the country of his/her nationality.

  (1)University Recommendation (Research Student): Tokyo Tech will cover the airfare for only a set number of recipients in this category.

  (2)University Recommendation (SGU): MEXT does not provide funding for travel to/from Japan for recipients in this category.

  School Fees:

  Application, admission and tuition fees shall be waived.







  - 研究生水平学生




  - 本科学生:120,000日元/每个月








  Eligibility and Requirements for MEXT Scholarships

  Research Student

  Application Procedures for Tokyo Tech Recommended Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students

  Research Student Program commencing September 2017

  1. Eligibility

  Eligibility is limited to applicants, who are not residing in Japan and who will be able to arrive in Japan prior to the enrollment period as a graduate-level student.

  In addition, applicants must have demonstrated excellent academic achievement with a grade point average of 2.30 (out of 3.00) or above in the previous academic year and meet certain criteria.

  Finally, each applicant must have obtained either

  An official recommendation from a university with which Tokyo Tech has a formal agreement

  An official recommendation from the president or representative(e.g. director or dean) of a university with which Tokyo Tech has established bilateral activities.

  2. Nationality

  Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. Applicants with no official nationality are also eligible to apply. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the foreign country and give up their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan. Applicant screening will be conducted at the Japanese diplomatic mission in the country of applicant's nationality.

  3. Age

  Applicant must have been born on or after April 2, 1982.

  4. Academic Background

  Applicants must have graduated from a Japanese university or have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate. An applicant will be deemed to have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate, if he/she:

  (1) has completed or will complete a 16-year school curriculum in a foreign country; or

  (2) is or will be aged 22 or older and has taken an individual entrance qualification examination and has been judged by Tokyo Tech as being equal or superior in academic ability to a Japanese university graduate.

  Note: Eligible applicants include those who otherwise satisfy or will satisfy qualification requirements for admission to a Japanese graduate school.

  5. Major Field of Study

  Each applicant should apply for the field of study he/she studied at the previous university or a related field. Each applicants must identify a field in which he/she can receive education and perform research at Tokyo Tech.

  6. Japanese Proficiency

  As for the research field which requires Japanese language (e.g. Japanese history, linguistics), applicants must have the ability to do research in Japanese.

  7. Health

  Applicants must be free from any mental or physical disabilities that would impede the pursuit of study at Tokyo Tech.

  8. Arrival in Japan

  Applicants must be able to leave for and arrive in Japan within two weeks of the date set by Tokyo Institute of Technology for the beginning of the third quarter in September, 2017.

  Note: If the applicant cannot arrive in Japan by this set period, his/her enrollment status may be cancelled. Travel expenses will not be provided if the applicant chooses to travel to Japan before designated two-week period.

  9. Visa Requirement

  Applicants must acquire College Student (ryugaku) visas before entering Japan. They then enter Japan with the College Student (ryugaku) residence status. Please also note that those who change their visa status to one other than College Student after arrival in Japan will lose their qualification to be Japanese Government Scholarship recipients from the date that their visa status changes.

  10. Community engagement

  Applicants should be willing to participate in community events held in Japan to boost mutual understanding.

  After returning to the home country, former scholarship recipients shall maintain close contact with the university where they studied, cooperate with the conducting of post-return survey questionnaires, participate in events conducted by Japanese diplomatic missions in their country, and work to improve relations between the home country and Japan.

  11. Others

  Applicants who meet any or all of the following conditions are not eligible. If identified after the start of the scholarship period, the applicant will be required to withdraw from the scholarship:

  1. Those who are military personnel or military civilian employees at the time of their arrival in Japan;

  2. Those who cannot arrive in Japan during the period designated by MEXT or Tokyo Tech;

  3. Those who previously received a Japanese government scholarship and does not have educational research experience exceeding more than three years since the scholarship period ends. This does not apply to the past recipients of Japanese studies scholarships, Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program For The Students In Science And Engineering Departments and the Young Leaders Program;

  4. Those who are currently enrolled at a Japanese university with a College Student (ryugaku) residence status; those enrolled, or scheduled to be enrolled, at a Japanese university as a privately financed international student during the period when the scholarship application was filed in the home country until prior to the start of the provision of the scholarship; This does not apply to current self-financed international students at Japanese universities who will complete their courses of study and return to their countries before the end of the current fiscal year;

  5. Those who apply through other universities for the same scholarship; Recipients of scholarships from institutions other than MEXT that overlap with the MEXT Scholarship;

  6. Those who are expected to graduate at the time of application and cannot satisfy the qualifications and the conditions related to academic background by the deadline given;

  7. Those who are holders of dual nationality at the time of application who cannot verify that they will give up Japanese nationality by the time of the arrival in Japan; or

  8. Those who wish, from the time of application, to conduct fieldwork or participate in an internship outside of Japan, since this scholarship program is intended for overseas students who wish to enroll in a Japanese university and do graduate research in Japan.







  - 从与东京工业大学有正是协定的大学获得一份正式推荐;

  - 从与东京工业大学建立了双边活动的大学获得校长或者代表(例如主任或者院长)的正式推荐。







  - 在外国已经完成或者将要完成16年的学校教育;或者

  - 已经或者将要22岁,已经参加了单独的入学资格考试,并且已经被东京工业大学评判为学术能力等同于或者超过日本大学毕业生的学生。


















  - 在抵达日本的时候,属于军事人员或者是军事文职雇员;

  - 不能够在MEXT或者东京工业大学指定时间内抵达日本的学生;

  - 之前获得了日本政府的奖学金,并且在奖学金授予期限结束之后,教育研究经验不超过3年的学生。这不适用于之前获得日本学习奖学金、提供给科学和工程学学生的日本-韩国联合政府奖学金计划、以及青年领袖计划的学生。

  - 目前凭借大学生(ryugaku)居留状态登记了日本大学学习的学生;从奖学金申请在原籍国开始,到开始提供奖学金之前,作为私人资助的国际学生在日本大学登记或者将要登记的学生;这不适用于在当前财政年结束之前,将要完成课程学习并且返回原籍国的日本大学在校的自费国际学生。

  - 通过其他大学申请相同奖学金的学生;从从覆盖了MEXT奖学金的非MEXT机构获得奖学金的学生;

  - 在申请的时候将要毕业,并且在指定截止时间之前,不能满足学历资格要求以及有关学术背景的条件的学生;

  - 在申请的时候具备双重国籍,并且不能够证明在抵达日本之后将会放弃日本国籍的学生;或者

  - 从申请的时候开始,希望致力于日本以外的实地研究或者实习的学生,因为该奖学金计划主要是提供给希望在日本大学登记注册,并且在日本进行研究生研究的海外学生。

  International Graduate Program (A)

  Applicants with outstanding academic performance records are eligible to apply for a scholarship from MEXT. The scholarship provides round-trip airfare to Japan, and a monthly stipend according to the regulations of MEXT. The monthly stipend is ¥147,000 (JPY) for Master's Program students and ¥148,000 (JPY) for Doctoral Program students. (*This stipend is subject to change as specified by the regulations of the MEXT Scholarship program.) Successful MEXT Scholarship recipients are not required to pay application, admission or tuition fees. The candidates nominated for MEXT Scholarship will be notified together with the admission decision in mid-March. The notification of scholarship recipients will be sent to applicants in early July at the latest.

  Integrated Doctoral Education Program participants are required to achieve a satisfactory level of performance while enrolled in the Master's Program, in order to continuously receive the MEXT Scholarship benefits in the Doctoral Program.

  Applicants who enroll in Tokyo Tech without the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship have a chance to apply for the "Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students" from the Japan Student Services Organization ("JASSO").

  Please note that those who are granted any other scholarship cannot apply to receive for this scholarship simultaneously. The monthly amount of this scholarship is ¥48,000 (JPY). The monthly amount is subject to change as specified by JASSO. This scholarship will be paid from October, 2017 to March, 2018 (6 months). You should pay the admission and the tuition fees even if you are selected as a recipient of this scholarship.


  学生成绩优秀的申请者具备申请MEXT奖学金的资格。根据MEXT奖学金的规定,该奖学金为获得学生提供往返日本的机票,以及每月津贴。硕士专业学生的每月津贴是¥147,000 (JPY) ,博士专业学生的每月津贴是¥148,000 (JPY)。(*该津贴标准可能会根据MEXT奖学金项目的规定发生改变。)成功获得MEXT奖学金的学生不需要支付申请费用、入学费用以及学费。提名为MEXT奖学金获得者的候选人将会在3月中旬与录取结果一同获得通知。奖学金获得者的通知最迟将会在7月初发送给申请者。



  请注意,获得任何其他奖学金的学生将不能够同时申请这种类型的奖学金。该奖学金的每月津贴是¥48,000 (JPY)。根据JASSO的具体规定,每月津贴额度标准可能会发生改变。这种类型的奖学金授予期限将会从2017年10月份持续到2018年3月份(6个月)。即使你获得了这种奖学金,还是需要支付入学费用和学费。

  Privately-funded Scholarships

  Privately-funded scholarships are divided into those that are guaranteed prior to enrollment at Tokyo Tech and those that can be applied for after enrollment.



  Scholarships which can be applied for before enrollment

  Scholarships for International Graduate Program (A)

  Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students' from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

  Yoshida Scholarship Foundation (currently not available)

  Scholarships for International Graduate Program (C)

  Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)

  Konica Minolta Scholarship (currently not available)

  Bridgestone/Tokyo Tech Scholarship (currently not available)

  Hino Motors Scholarship

  *Japanese citizens cannot apply for these scholarships.



  - 日本学生服务组织(JASSO)提供给私人资助的国际学生的日本文部科学省荣誉奖学金;

  - 吉田奖学金基金会(目前不提供)。


  - 亚洲开发银行-日本奖学金计划(ADB-JSP);

  - 柯尼卡美能达奖学金(目前不提供);

  - 普利司通/东京工业大学奖学金(目前不提供);

  - 日野汽车奖学金。


  Scholarships which can be applied for after enrollment

  The latter are divided into two types: one requires a university's recommendation, and the other requires no recommendation. You can apply directly for the one that does not require a university recommendation.

  For the scholarship WITH a university recommendation, applicants must submit the “Application for the Privately-funded Scholarships” form to the Institute in advance. Applications are accepted twice a year: March and September for current students and April and October for new students.

  For the scholarship WITHOUT a university recommendation, anyone who meets the application requirements can apply. Information is posted on the bulletin board in the Student Support Division at the Ookayama Campus and in the Student Division at the Suzukakedai Campus. It is also posted on the website for current students.










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  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  申请美国的博士研究生相当具有难度,下面出国留学网就给大家整理了关于博士申请的条件以及注意事项以便能够帮助到大家,同时针对博士毕业后的就业也列出了一些就业方向。  一、美国博士申请条件  (一)硬件条件  1、本科学士学位或硕士学位。  2、GPA :一般应该保持在3.2以上是比较理想的,特别是专业GPA成绩。  3、TOEFL或者IELTS:TOEFL至少应该在95分以上,如果能达到100以上是最好。IELTS要保持在7分以上。  4、GRE 或GMAT等美国博士、研究生入学考试:这个是依据学校的要求而不定。  (二)软件条件  1、个人陈述(Personal Statement)  2、
2018-08-11 18:34:00
  美国是教育大国,其各类高校都设置了丰富的奖学金类型,出国留学网小编在今天就给大家带来关于美国大学的基本奖学金类型以及申请要求。  申请美国硕士奖学金有以下几种类型:  1、助学金(FELLOWSHIP)  金额最高、竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,意味着全奖。一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用  2、奖学金(SCHOLARSHIP)  这是一种荣誉性的奖励,颁发给成绩优异的学生,但金额较少。  3、研究助理金(Research Assistantship)  去美国读硕士奖学金有多少?多针
2018-08-11 20:49:00
  心理学是纽约大学的强势专业,其社会心理学专业在社会上有很高的声誉,那么博士申请纽约大学的社会心理学专业有哪些要了解的呢?出国留学网和您一起看看。  先来简单介绍一下纽约大学  纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一的一所位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。  纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美最佳艺术学院之一
2018-08-11 18:29:00
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00

